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Senke Innovations Technology Co., Ltd
TEL: 0755-8338 2595
FAX: 0755-8338 2595
Phone:  18123933491
Address: Room 203-204, Building 27, Dayun Software Town, No. 8288 Longgang Avenue, Longgang District, Shenzhen

Senke Innovations Technology Co., Ltd

TEL:0731-8558 7858
Address: Room 1401, Building 1, Times Meet, Yinshan Road, Wangcheng District, Changsha city

How to create interactive product descriptions with teardown animations?

SOLIDWORKS Composer软件通过可清晰准确地表达其设计(如何工作、如何装配、如何使用及如何维护)的工具来帮助简化用户体验。直观的 SOLIDWORKS Composer 软件使非技术用户也能够在产品开发的同时开发出惊人的 2D 和 3D 内容,这有助于简化流程和加速上市时间。

SOLIDWORKS Composer具有优秀的交互式动画制作能力,可以呈现复杂的产品动态图形内容。SOLIDWORKS Composer可以发布在中立的文件格式中,方便使用者进行正常的工作交互,这其中包括了可以转存成EXE格式,这使得其他需求者不用介意电脑上是否安装了SOLIDWORKS Composer程序,就可以直观的了解到产品意图。


Senke Innovations Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel:+86-755-8338 2595
Fax:+86-755-8338 2595

Address:Room 203-204, Building 27, Dayun Software Town, No. 8288 Longgang Avenue, Longgang District, Shenzhen

Senke Innovations Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel:0731-8558 7858
Address:Room 10021, 10th Floor, Tus-Xiexin Center, Xiaoxiang North Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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